Sunday, August 10, 2008

Basic Graphic Design

Graphic design focuses on visual communication and presentation. Techniques used to produce graphics include, typography, visual arts and page layout. Graphic design is used when creating logos or brands, websites, publications, advertisements and packaging for products.

Graphic design started to become its own movement in late nineteenth century Europe when it was considered separate from fine art. By the 1920s revolutionary Russia started creating objects for utilitarian products, including buildings, theatres sets, posters, fabrics, furniture, clothing, logos and more.

As consumerism has grown so has graphics. From road signs to reference manuals, graphic design has enhanced humans ability to share knowledge. Graphics are a large part of the brand identity of corporations and largely associated with advertising and entertainment.

An article from The Design Observation Group stated that "broadly defined, graphic designers are the visual ambassadors of ideas: their role is to translate, communicate- and occasionally even agitate- by rendering thinking as form, process and experience." They must be able to balance clarity and innovation.

The basics of graphic design are:


Colour: Colour has a big impact on the mood of a design.

2. Line: the width and texture of the lines you use also contribute to the overall tone of your graphic. And the way they interact with each other is also important.

3. Shape: Angular shapes are generally associated with masculinity, while smooth and curvy shapes are more feminine. Circles are associated with wholeness, peace and unity.

4. Scale and size: Scale and size bring balance and proportion to your design.


Space: Space (or white space) give designs breathing room and the eye some time to rest. The trick is to properly balance space with design. Too much space might make the work seem unfinished, whereas not enough space, make things cluttered.

6. Texture: Texture ads an element of realism to design.

7. Value: Value adds unity to designs. It can help balance out elements of design.

Graphic design can be learned at school or self taught. Nowadays, graphic design is done on computers and every digital company will have at least one designer on their team. It is the obligation of the graphic designer to keep up with current trends and educate their team of developers and marketers as well as clients. Infographics are a big trend at the moment. That is creating visual graphics out of data. This makes information easy to absorb, comparisons easy to visualise, and content more interactive and aesthetic.